Marina Rice

Marina teaches a joyful and adventurous yoga class, fascinated with all the different body structures, she includes all abilities in the sequence and gives options and modifications inviting students to explore their own body with kindness and acceptance. Marina’s focus is on building strength and mobility before deepening flexibility.

Having experienced anxiety through her life she brings mindfulness, meditation and breathwork to her classes, resulting in stronger and calmer mind. Marina has no sports or gymnastics background herself, but loves the strength of body and mind that yoga brings. She feels stronger and healthier now in her 40s both physically and mentally than she ever did in her twenties.

Marina has practised yoga for over 15 years and has completed her 200hrs Yoga Teacher Training in 2019, moving on to advanced teacher trainings in Yin, Rocket, Vinyasa, Anatomy and Pranayama, resulting in over 600hrs of Teacher Trainings, however she is forever a student and continues to learn.


Colleen Brien - Yoga


Nicola Barlow - Yoga