Benjamin Paul

Energy Healing / Reiki

Energy Healing is a natural form of healing that supports and complements other forms of modern and conventional medicines and therapies. The healing is performed through touch and loving warmth through the palm of his hands which will stimulate your body’s natural healing abilities. 

Benjamin’s tailored , bespoke, Energy Healing experiences are quite simply like no other. 

His Healing treatments have alleviated many symptoms including anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain management and these are just a few of some incredible stories from his long standing relationships with his clients. 

Benjamin also has had a long affair with luxury perfumery and aromatherapy working along side niche perfumers and has been honoured as one of the worlds celebrated and multi award winning top experts in discovering clients their perfect signature scent. Benjamin has created a truly unique olfactory healing experience. Only using the worlds finest perfume grade oils to enhance your overall wellness and wellbeing. 


“I started going to see Benjamin over a year ago now for energy healing and is a therapy I believe works. It has help me over come many things including anxiety, depression, chronic pain, migraines and fatigue. Benjamin had an extraordinary gift where you can immediately feel the healing working. After his treatments I feel clearer, more balanced and positive energy. He is truly gifted beyond words and one of the kindest and caring people you will ever meet”. 

“After a period of feeling particularly low I was recommended Benjamin by a friend who had suffered from anxiety. Benjamin is an incredibly warm, kind and generous soul. He instantly makes you feel welcome and at ease. His treatments can be tailored to your needs and I personally have benefited considerably from the time I have spent with him. Whether you are looking for some general relaxation and “me time”, or to his stunning bespoke aromatherapy perfume olfactory healing treatment or his other holistic experiences, then is your man. I have become more positive, reflective and sensitive to my own needs since seeing him and I am extremely grateful for this. Thank you Benjamin”,

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